Shared ownership. How and since when? (Spain)
In Spain 28.8% of women own the land they work as compared to 71.1% of men. In 2011, the shared property act was passed (LEY 35/2011), awareness and development of which have been very inefficient in some autonomous communities, which have not even set up registry offices.
Towards the end of 2016, only 242 women in Spain had signed up in the provincial shared property offices (RETICOM). Castilla y León, where women have traditionally been the main protagonists of family agricultural production, is the community with most registrations (99). The Ministry of Agriculture rightly states, that Shared Property of Agricultural Sites needs a boost from the Autonomous Communities. Rural women’s federations have asked for a development of regulations similar to that of Wallonia, where any land which meets the requirements is automatically considered to be shared property, unless this is rejected by the beneficiaries.
Photo, Cristina García Rodero