Child hygiene (Mexico)

Child hygiene (Mexico)
1751-1800. From a mulatto and a mestiza, a cuarterón is born. Puebla (México), Oil by Joaquín Magón © Museo Nacional de Antropología.

Child hygiene (Mexico)

An expressive and unusual picture of contemporary family child hygiene, reflected in a picture from a Mexican series about mestizos.

The time a mother must spend on child hygiene increases considerably with diarrhoea. Deaths from diarrhoea in under 5s is still high, despite effective and cheap treatments for prevention (frequent washing of hands with soap) and cure (rehydration by mouth).  The rate is higher in rural areas and less frequently treated, for example in rural Mexico (2010-2015), 35% of under 5s received rehydration by mouth and continuous feeding as compared to 42% in the cities