Epidemiological transition in the Amazon region
In recent years, there has been an increase in cases of chronic non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and risk factors such as excess weight among indigenous populations. All this is associated with migration processes to urban centers and their surrounding areas that lead to changes in eating patterns.
The increase in the consumption of ultra-processed products, accompanied by high alcohol consumption become important risk factors for these diseases. In this scenario, we have worked to understand the local visions of these illnesses, the transformations in food consumption and the construction of dietary recommendations based on local foods.
Considering the difficulties of access in the Amazonian territory, the diagnosis and subsequent follow-up of patients with these diseases becomes an immense challenge that, if not properly managed, can become a major public health problem. This is why it is essential to have trained personnel and technology adapted to the context, such as portable instruments for taking laboratories such as lipid profile and glucometry that allow timely screening and initiate community management and accompany patients in this process.