Objective 17: An alliance to achieve the Objectives
The last Objective aims to Revitalise the World Alliance for Sustainable Development. An agenda for sustainable, precise and effective development, of alliances between governments, the private sector, and civil society. These alliances –which are necessary at global, regional, national and local level- are built on the basis of principles and values, a shared vision and common objectives to give priority to people and the planet.
Urgent steps must be taken aimed at mobilising, re-orientating and taking advantage of billions of dollars in resources to generate transformations and achieve the SDO. The top photo shows the close interconnection between the SDO: it was taken at a meeting in a Mauretanian village where they were discussing the setting up of a programme of conservation and cooperation with important, positive consequences for the local, very deprived communities, who were in favour of the project, which did not come about due to security problems, which, at least in part, were the result of weak institutions.
In the bottom photo, public health workers and patients ask the institutions to defend this great social achievement, which is Objective 3 of the SDO.
There are goals in the financial sector (mobilising internal resources and international support for developing countries), technological sector (promoting the development of ecologically rational technologies and transferring, spreading and publicising them in developing countries), or the commercial sector (fomenting a multilateral, universal commercial system based on rules, open, non-discriminating and equitable), although perhaps these Objectives do not sufficiently impact on the search for and development of new social and economic models.