Newborns are welcomed
Around the world, newborns are welcomed into the world by a variety of rituals. Baby naming, circumcision, and baptism are a few of the better-known rituals of Europe. The ritual of «El Salto del Colacho» («The Devil Jump») takes place in Burgos (Spain) on the first Sunday after Corpus Christi. Infants born during the previous year are placed on mattresses in the street. Men dressed in red and yellow suits, which are the colors of El Colacho, and holding whips and oversized castanets jump over the infants. The Brotherhood of Santísimo Sacramento de Minerva organizes the week-long festivities which culminate on Sunday when El Colacho jumps over the babies. The origins of the tradition are unknown. The purpose is to cleanse the babies of original sin, ensuring them safe passage through life and guard against illness and evil spirits. [Barry Bogin]