Biological determinants for health: neonatal indicators 

Biological determinants for health: neonatal indicators 
1900. The painter’s wife and daughter resting at home after delivery, Madrid, Joaquín Sorolla (Spain) ©Museo Sorolla.

Biological determinants for health: neonatal indicators 

The differential expression of biological processes provides excellent indicators for environmental health. At birth, the expression of postnatal biological processes starts, which are modulated by the biological state at birth. Low weight (under 2.500 g) and preterm birth (before week 37 of gestation) are the best indicators to evaluate the expression of growth and development, and also the differential risk of developing certain health problems in later stages of life.

In Europe, during most of the 20th century, perinatal health interventions were aimed at reducing mother/child mortality, with notable success. When mortality is still well under control, perinatal intervention should be directed at achieving an optimum biological state at birth: one which maximizes the probability of survival and of growth during the first year of life and neonatal transition, while ensuring that the effects of the first stages of development do not have a negative effect on the life cycle.

The current increase in preterm births with low birthweight in most developed countries, where delivery is very medicalised, suggests that something is not working in perinatal health prevention, and that a balance should be struck to optimise universal healthcare for pregnancy and delivery, a balance between the advantages of new technology and a reduction in their negative effects.

In 2015, 8% of newborns in Spain had low birthweight, as compared to 6% for the ECE/CEI as a whole, and 16% for the species as a whole.