Human ecology: integrating environmental perspectives

The exhibition collects contributions from professionals and experts from very different fields and experiences, all invited to take part so as to reflect (integrating environmental knowledge) on the perception of problems and how to solve them. The participants come from the natural and social sciences, including bioanthropologists, ecologists, naturalists and conservation activists, experts in Sustainable Development Networks, cultural and social anthropologists, museum experts, gender experts, media professionals and people from the field of cooperation and development, among others.

The images in the exhibition are ordered by theme, ecological, social, environmental, economic aspects and research into and teaching of Human Ecology, so the contributions of the same person are not necessarily consecutive. The names and professions of all the participants are listed below in alphabetical order: Emiliano Aguirre, Cristina Andreu, Joaquín Araujo, Silvia Arias, Javier Benayas, Emilio Blanco, Barry Bogin, José Mª Bermúdez de Castro, Cristina Bernis, María Teresa Castillo, Beatriz Díaz, Joaquín Díaz, Ana Isabel Díaz-Plaza, Federico Dikinson, Pablo Domínguez, Joaquín Estefanía, Elena Flores, Cristina García, Miguel García Ramos, Jesús Garzón, Luz Gómez García, Consolación González, Marta Haro, Rosario López Gregoriz, José Miguel Martínez Carrión, Francisco Mireles, Pilar Montero, Asunción Ruiz, Juan Carlos Sanz, Ana Siniarska, José Manuel Terán, Mª Pía Timón, Rafael  Tomás, Juan Varela, Carlos Varea, Inés Varela Silva, Napoleón Wolanski y los miembros del Laboratorio de Socioecosistemas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.