Country schoolmasters and private schooling. Informal learning and teaching in Tarifa-Cádiz (19th and 20th centuries)

Ongoing research: “Country schoolmasters and private schooling. Informal learning and teaching  in Tarifa-Cádiz (19th and 20th centuries)”. The first findings are based on fieldwork carried out between 2004 and 2017, where we gathered and transcribed oral testimonies about unregulated learning and teaching methods, and information about the people interviewed.

The testimonies show an unknown part of our history, and are also a repayment and homage to the women and men who learned in spite of the dominating scorn and marginalisation. To those who lost sleep trying to teach their neighbours and whose political exile led them to fight against illiteracy.

Researcher: Beatriz Díaz
Funding: independent (self-funded)
