Ecology of reproductive ageing (II): interpretation of the differences between urban, rural and immigrant women. Objective:
To evaluate the predictive capacity of certain indicators of reproductive function during the life cycle, for previously identified profiles of cardiovascular risks and to evaluate their variability in rural and urban settlements according to indicators of living standards (socioeconomic, nutritional and physical activity).
Research Team:
For UAM: IP, C. Bernis, Silvia Arias, Azucena Barroso, Pilar Montero, Carlos Varea (UAM)
For cooperation by agreements with the Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas, Comunidad de Madrid (Hospital de Canto Blanco, Gynaecologist: Ángel García Triguero, Mammography: Drª A. Poza; Biochemistry Laboratory: Drª M. González, LoretaBustilo) Biochemistry Laboratory at Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Nieves López y Miguel Fernandez)
Funded by: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, FIS
Thesis. Silvia Arias. Long-term consequences of caloric restrictions: an evaluation in European women. Apto cum laude. Facultad de Ciencias. 1998 UAM