Ecology of reproductive ageing (I): evaluation of biological processes and epidemiological applications
To evaluate and integrate via four sets of questions, complementary aspects of reproductive ageing generally analysed independently from different perspectives:
1-Evolutionary perspective: Why do women lose their reproductive capacity when they still have a third of their life cycle before them?
2- Ecological perspective: What are the main environmental determiners which generate variability in the process of reproductive and at which stages of the life cycle can they be influential?
3-Health perspective: Why is their temporal and population variability in the prevalence of dysfunctions linked to menopause and certain non-transmittable diseases whose risk increases after menopause? And
4- Socio-sanitary perspective: How much unnecessary medicalisation is carried out on the process of reproductive ageing and what are its implications?
Equipo Investigador:
Por UAM: IP: C. Bernis, Silvia Arias, Azucena Barroso, Pilar Montero, Carlos Varea (UAM)
Por Hospital de Canto Blanco: Ginecólogo: Ángel García Triguero; Mamógrafa: Drª A. Poza; Laboratorio de bioquímica: Drª M. González, Loreta Bustilo). Convenios de colaboración UAM-Comunidad de Madrid y Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas.
Entidad financiadora: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, FIS.