‘Pizorra’ (bark) boat

‘Pizorra’ (bark) boat
1990. Pizorra boat, Maranchón (Guadalajara), made by José Enrique Bueno Martín. Photo by José Antonio Alonso Ramos © Archivo Escuela Provincial de Folklore

‘Pizorra’ (bark) boat

This is a replica of an age-old toy made of pizorra or pine bark, which is smooth into the shape of a boat, and then hollowed out inside using a penknife. A stick is then attached with a piece of cloth on it (a sail) and it is sometimes decorated with a cabin or even a helm.

Children usually played with them in the summer on the town fountain. Once again, this toy was usually hand-made by the children themselves, which added the values of collaborating, cooperating and dexterity to the enjoyment of the game itself. The size of the boat varied depending on the piece of pizorra.