Evaluating nutritional state by growth in size 

Evaluating nutritional state by growth in size 
2004. Evaluating growth in Ebolowa. Rio Muni (Equatorial Guinea) © Estefanía Custodio

Evaluating nutritional state by growth in size 

Stunting in growth in size indicates protein-caloric malnutrition and is the “shortage situation” most commonly found in the world, together with other shortages in vitamins and minerals.

The prevalence of under 5s with retarded growth by size is an essential indicator of population health, and between 2005 and 2015, affected 23% of under 5s worldwide. Despite a significant global reduction over the past decade, figures have hardly changed in poorer countries where it is still the tenth cause of death (it has even increased in some African countries) in under 5s worldwide. During that period, 26.2% of under 5s in Equatorial Guinea had retarded growth in size.