Association of Quichua Midwives in Alto Napo
In 1998 the Association of Quichua Midwives in Alto Napo (AMUPAKIN) was founded with the aim of ensuring the future of traditional medicine in its cultural context through the practice, teaching and study of the living culture of the Napo Runa and, in particular, of their midwives. In 2003 they managed to get a plot of land in which to carry out their practice, transmission and reinforcement of the ancestral culture of the Quichua people, known as the Casa para la Vida (The house for life).
Getting the plot and refurbishing it with different buildings and a medicinal garden (all managed by AMUPAKIN), was made possible through the cooperation between and support of the Ecuadorian and the Spanish Red Cross, the National Health Ministry and its medical staff in the province of Napo. In addition, the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI) and the town councils of Madrid and San Martín de Valdeiglesias (Madrid) helped with the funding.