Other forms of life (Spain): Caring we flourish

Other forms of life (Spain): Caring we flourish
2018. Caring we flourish, pastoral communal highlands of Santiago de la Espada (Spain). Photo: Pablo Domínguez © Pablo Domínguez

Other forms of life (Spain): Caring we flourish

These highlands, which lie at an altitude of 1,400 to nearly 2,000 meters above sea level, are left to rest from pastoralists during most of autumn and all of winter, and come alive during spring and summer, with the sounds and strides of herders and their flocks of sheep, goats, cows and horses that come back like every year. This late spring transhumance, a collective movement of many pastoralists (sometimes with entire families), and locally called the «verea», is an annual feature in these highlands, between mid-May and June. The melting of the snow in April, and the rise in rainfall and temperature soon after, creates the perfect conditions for the pastures to grow rapidly, and attract the herds to the flowering all around.  

Really no one, but the livestock breeders themselves, can introduce these systems better, as they know it so very intimately, but still researchers help us understand them too.